coworking space for queer holistic wellness providers
The vision of Half Moon is that mental wellbeing is comprised of the mosaic of community support people, healthcare, and alternative wellness providers as well as engagement in movement and joyful nutrition. In line with that vision, we are opening up our space to share with other holistic and integrative wellness providers, with a focus on practitioners who are queer folks and folks of other marginalized identities.
We offer a variety of spaces to suit a variety of providers and could see yogis, reiki providers, dietitians, acupuncturists and more feeling right at home in our space. We offer flexible coworking agreements to suit your needs, from just a few hours a month to full days of availability.
Plans start as low as $175 per month, and includes utilities, private space, furniture, business coaching (if desired) and a fun community.
Want to join us? Email us below to connect